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Enough To Heal
Jeremiah 30:16-18 (NLV)
“For I will heal you. I will heal you where you have been hurt,’ says the Lord.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Acts of healing were at the center of Jesus’ ministry—healing injuries, blindness, disease, plagues, nations, the water, and the land. Scripture references the word ‘heal’ 190 times.
When I pray for healing, there are two challenges wherein I have to rely on my: when Jesus allows me to heal, and when I must accept that He’s growing my faith by not choosing to heal me.
Regardless of the cause, I know that when I pray for healing, it is when I’m hurting. And with any pain, whether the root of it is financial, emotional, relational, or physical; I want it to go away instantly and to evaporate in a miraculous flash. I also know that Satan preys on me when I need healing. He continues planting false fears, questioning, ‘Where’s your God now?’ or ‘You’re not good enough to heal,’ or, ‘You healed them, why not me?’
My choice in the suffering is to rush to Jesus, not question Him. I trust that God is with me, knowing God will refine and make me better to prepare me for a reward. When I think back on virtually every hardship I’ve faced, I wasn’t very thankful for them in the moment. Still, I am grateful for the moment I emerged and realize God’s victory and gift of strengthening me through the trials. Growth through problems is a choice God gives us.
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